Author: ProtectNature

  • Sharing things in your neighbourhood

    Streetbank is a very useful website we stumbled upon lately. Within it, you can post your stuff that you are willing to lend out to your neighbours. It’s the page to go if you are looking for something like a step ladder, a basketball or orbital sander for short time use. You don’t have to go shopping, commute a…

  • Green Lanes Our Heritage – Letter-writing party and social

    Thursday, April 14 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Cat’s House, 16 Westminster Terrace, Douglas IM1 4EE   Do you care about the destruction of our precious Greenways and Green Lanes – some of them are hundreds of years old, and part of our rich cultural heritage? Come join Green Lanes Our Heritage (…

  • Isle of Man Wellbeing workshops

    The Network of Wellbeing (NOW), together with Friends of the Earth, will be supporting EcoVannin to run a wellbeing workshop on the Isle of Man. There is one for the north, east, south and west… feel free to attend any one you like. The Network of Wellbeing aims for a world where everyone’s wellbeing needs are met within the planet’s…

  • Some pictures of the IOM’s climate march

    The Isle of Man climate march attracted a huge number of people. Estimates range from 150 to 250 persons. It was a wildly coloured, good mannered and enlightening march. Many different groups joined in to do this in unity, showing that the Isle of Man is concerned with the climate talks and many different issues,…

  • Sign our bee petition!

    Please have a look at our petition to protect our bees. Support the cause if you feel it is right and you haven’t done so already. We have had 136 offline-signatures so far! Let’s try to get that up, every voice counts.

  • Climate march on Nov 29th!

      Christian Aid, Manx Bird Life, Eco Vannin and IoM Friends of the Earth are hosting a public march to raise attention for the Paris negotiations! To coincide with the start of the Paris climate talks, various events are occurring around the world to focus the attention of the public and governments on these vital…

  • Tynwald approves biodiversity strategy

    Last week Tynwald has unanimously approved the Island’s first Biodiversity Strategy. It was said that the priority is in working WITH people instead of giving orders/instructions. Various problems were described: decline in wetland habitat, new farmland threatening some of the last wild areas the poor state of the uplands reforestation with alien species instead of local…

  • Green Columns are online

    Check out this weeks column “What danger lurks in your garden?” and columns from the past which have been put freshly up on our website. The range of issues authors have written about in the past ranges from hand on tips on how make your house more energy efficient over comments on political developments, spreading ideas…

  • Keep manx waters clean!

    Sign our petition for clean Manx waters! momentum's building….. — Isle Of Man FoEarth (@IsleOfManFoE) September 11, 2015