Iom Groups

A selection of great, dedicated groups which are working on our island:

education charity with a mission to educate for a fair and sustainable world for everyone.
A charity created as a service to promote energy conversation and the use of renewable energy
Protecting our island’s precious, unique environment
Manx Bat Group – conservation and understanding of bats
Isle of Man Permaculture Association
Get involved in creating woodland, enhancing biodiversity and tree planting
A focal point for biodiversity information on the Isle of Man!
campaigning for a fairer society
scientific initiative, preserve and enhance marine environment
Sheltering animals in need.Your first address if you consider having a pet. Also giving pet advice
Conserving the IoM’s wild birds and their habitats
Participate in tidying up the Isle of Man’s beautiful beaches. It is a very active group.
If you find a hedgehog in distress, bring it here!